Penyelesaian Sengketa terhadap Hak Paten yang Tidak Memiliki Unsur Kebaharuan di Indonesia
Article 4 letter f of Law Number 13 of 2016 concerning Patents determines that an invention cannot be granted for a previously existing discovery that does not contain elements of novelty and is also a product known to the wider community, so it should not be can be given a Patent Certificate to protect the rights of the valid Patent holder. Settlement of disputes over registered patents that do not have an element of novelty (lack of novelty) can be filed with the competent authority, namely the Commercial Court in the local legal area of domicile. Novelty or in Indonesian an element of novelty in an invention is a necessity for the invention. The terms Novelty and Anticipation can replace each other in usage. as an anticipation for an invention, in a prior art or step of the invention it must contain something regarding product disclosure (which can be implemented) or if the invention is in the case of a process patent it is required to provide clear directions and cannot be mistaken in carrying out the results an invention that has been carried out by an inventor.
Patent Act 1977 (PA 1977), s.2(2) defines the state of the art as comprising all matter made available to the public before the priority date of the invention (the priority date is the date of the first patent application).
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