Perlindungan Hukum Agen Intelijen dalam Pelaksanaan Tugas Operasi Intelijen Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 17 Tahun 2011 tentang Intelijen Negara
Protection for every citizen is an obligation that must be fulfilled by a country. This also applies to members of state intelligence as a basic human right. Problems regarding the rights and legal protection of Intelligence Agents originating from recruitment carried out by the State Intelligence Agency in carrying out an intelligence activity or operation require legal certainty that is strengthened in the provisions of laws and regulations. In the implementation of intelligence functions, one of which is to carry out intelligence operations against targets, it is necessary to have legal protection for their duties and functions. In this regard, the issues that will be discussed in the research are: 1) What is the form of legal protection for Intelligence Agents in carrying out intelligence operations tasks based on the provisions of Law Number 17 of 2011 concerning State Intelligence? 2) What are the legal protection rights of Intelligence Agents in carrying out intelligence operations tasks based on Law Number 17 of 2011 concerning State Intelligence? 3) What is the role of the state in solving the problem of legal protection for intelligence agents in carrying out intelligence operations tasks based on Law Number 17 of 2011 concerning State Intelligence? To answer the problems above, the authors conducted research using normative juridical research methods, to obtain secondary data through interviews with the State Intelligence Agency, while for primary data the authors conducted a literature study by studying books related to legal protection and other materials. others related to this thesis. Based on the results of the research, the authors can conclude: The results of the researchers show: The form of legal protection is provided by the state as a whole along with the families of members of the state intelligence. For a Member of State Intelligence, protection in carrying out his duties as a Member of State Intelligence is also limited by the rule of law as regulated among others in Article 17 in conjunction with Article 24 of Law no. 17 of 2011 concerning State Intelligence. The role of the State refers to the purpose of the establishment of the Republic of Indonesia which is related to the general welfare for every citizen, this is a consequence of the concept of the rule of law.
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